on Friday, January 4, 2013
I really didn't know what to do with the title. Frankly, I didn't care that much either.

The Picture of Dorian Gray. Aside from it being the book that we're reading for English this year, it's an amazing book in general. All of the infinite detail it goes into about the human mind and there's this bit in it that talks of those times that I'm sure we've all experienced. Those times when we happen to wake up at some ungodly hour and find ourselves shrouded in darkness and that's when our mind begins to roam.

"There are few of us who have not sometimes wakened before dawn, either after one of those dreamless nights that make us almost enamoured of death, or one of those nights of horror and misshapen joy, when through the chambers of the brain sweep phantoms more terrible than reality itself, and instinct with that vivid life that lurks in all grotesques, and that lends to Gothic art its enduring vitality, this art being, one might fancy, especially the art of those whose minds have been troubled with the malady of reverie. Gradually white fingers creep through the curtains, and they appear to tremble. In black fantastic shapes, dumb shadows crawl into the corners of the room, and crouch there. Outside, there is the stirring of birds among the leaves, or the sound of men going forth to their work, or the sigh and the sob of the wind coming down from the hills, and wandering round the silent house, as though it feared to wake the sleepers, and yet must needs call forth sleep from her purple cave. Veil after veil of thin dusky gauze is lifted, and by degrees the forms and colours of things are restored to them, and we watch the dawn remaking the world in its amazing pattern.
Nothing seems changed."
That part was my favourite. I dunno, that and the few paragraphs after that were simply a work of art. Gosh that sounded cliched.

Anyway, I ordered three decks of cards 2 weeks ago and I haven't got them yet D: which is disappointing.

Actually, I'm just looking for something to talk about and I'm lost so I'll just leave it there.

Hold on. nononono. You know what I should do? I should make an SNSD tumblr. idk. It's just an idea. I mean, more than half my likes are: SNSD, EXO, Big Bang or SHINee related. Mainly the first two but still. I might as well.

Oh well.

A la Prochaine~