Same old, same old

on Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The same boring things every day: the same classes, same teachers, same people, same dull walls, every day, every week, all year, well, almost anyway. Something needed to be changed and I did just that. Now the back of the Arts Block has more of a – let's say – artistic flair to it. Vector art, my specialty. By far, this was my best piece of work in a long time. I was gonna take a picture of it with my iPhone but my ear twitched as I heard the sound of footsteps and murmuring coming from the staffroom. Oh shoot, they're coming this way. There was a dead-end in front of me but going the other way would lead me straight to a one way ticket to the principal's office. Not going there again. The murmuring is getting louder and I only have two choices: to stay and get caught or…I could climb onto the roof. As it turns out, the view isn't too bad from up top.