
on Saturday, November 19, 2011
Of course, not everything in his life was black and white, depressing or filled with revenge and anger. He reminded himself, things happened for a reason, not because they hated you, but sometimes that was a valid reason too. He had his times, those times where he would never forget, those times where you know that this is the moment that I can remember in 10 years time, this is the moment I can say that I've been there, done that. Sometimes he had to remind himself in those dark times how lucky he was just too be alive. That he had a house to live in. That he had food to eat. All these things. In  his perception of the strange world around him, the meaning of life wasn't to be happy. In fact, he wasn't even sure what life meant to him. He had a girl once. He said that she meant the world to him, he loved her more than life. He said that she was what "kept him alive". But things...changed, minds made up, people moved on. His 'life' slipped from his grasp slowly. But there are some things that just...never really leave you. Everything will leave a trace. Like a sheet of glass and its handlers. They leave fingerprints. Some people leave scratches or dents in the glass. There are those people who repair and polish the glass. Even if they have to use metal wool to buff the glass.

His sheet of glass had been close to the edge of cracking in two. He made it through. Ever since he was a child he had held through the hard times. He could pursue, but he knew to pull out. He could hold on tight  to a thought but he had trouble getting over things. Even now. As he reached his front door, he was constantly reminded. He wasn't sure if things were appearing or he was becoming more aware. Numbers, dates, simple sentences that reminded him. The picture was another one, only more effective.

As he stepped into his house, he threw his bag down and fell onto his couch, exhausted. A billion thoughts racing through his mind but there was one thought, a name, that stuck and just didn't leave.

Her name.

There are the people who go further than just a scratch. Further than a crack in the glass. There are people who will go that extra mile to break you. They will try to push you, bend you, drill into you until you can't bear it any longer. Those are the times where you need to be, you must be, strong and don't let them break you. 

Don't. Give. Up.