on Thursday, May 23, 2013
I have really liked the last two weeks. Well, I can't say liked. It's more like "been satisfied with". I've missed four and a half days of school. One and a half days of music, two days sick, and one day off.

It's been alright because I spent most of my time watching music and looking up porn...

like. Yeah.

But in all honesty: bookporn, roomporn, dessertporn, adrenalineporn, foodporn, instrumentporn, etc. The "SFW Porn Network"

So yeah, I've managed to miss a week's worth of both French and Drama classes which is good considering that I don't really like French and that I don't need to rehearse my Drama part with my group because I only speak twice. Throughout the whole thing. I get cut off halfway for my first sentence and the next bit, well, everyone runs away.

So I haven't missed much. Or so I think. I don't like that. Thinking. Because that leads to over-thinking. That never leads to something good.

As for the Ask.fm...nothing. it's like a fucking desert there. Lucky for me, I got two movies today: Fight Club and Pulp Fiction. WATCH FIGHT CLUB. Holy crap. That movie is amazing. And Brad Pitt. Maaaaannnn. Seriously. No wonder it got awesome ratings on pretty much every site I know.

Now, as you do, I'm looking for as many "gifable" moments possible. Gives me something to do other then dwell over how my IT Partner does next to nothing. But yeah, watch the movie. It's great. Seriously.

At least I'm getting the page together. For the most part anyway.


A la Prochaine~