Well Sh**, that was dark

on Wednesday, November 14, 2012
I swear that if you pull some kind of shit one more time, it's not physical punishment you'll be getting (you never know), no, your credibility will be shot down pretty damn low and your beloved reputation will probably go with it. That's from my point of view, anyway but don't let that get you down, I want to see what you do this time and I'll try to use that against you and being a Christian, you should know very well that lust is one of the seven deadly sins but hey, I'm an atheist, what can I say? Lucky me.

So that was a little dark but it doesn't really get better from here. I've been thinking a little (too much) lately. So if you're not feeling your best, I'd advise that - at this point - stop reading after this sentence and go look at some pictures of food or some cute stuff on /aww.

I've been thinking about death and how interesting it is as an atheist. Sure there's a release of endorphins which makes us feel every feeling and relive every memory, conscious and subconscious but what about death itself. Specifically, I want to talk about instant death. How does that feel? A bullet to the brain, a snapped neck, getting hit by a train...I'd imagine it's like getting knocked unconscious but you don't wake up. After that, it's just a whole lot of nothingness. Well no shit, this is depressing, it's death and it's normal to feel a little uncomfortable with it. I'm just curious, I guess, as to how it would feel. maybe it's just the exams getting me down. Or maybe it's the annoying thing that can't help itself but be what it is and the songs that I'm listening to really don't help.

Oh well, enough of my pointless whining. I'm gonna go "study". *shifty eyes*

haha, I've been listening to a bit of everything now. Ben L'Oncle Soul is amazing. Just sayin' :P

A la Prochaine