's been a while

on Sunday, August 26, 2012
HOKAY so, I've been a little busy lately since I just started doing cello lessons again and y'know, just, assignments/assessment items.

1. Il y a quelqu'un qui je pense a lot about.
2. Travel.
3. Schoolwork.
4. Future aspects.
5. Food
6. Social events
7. Music

Plain Personality, amazing looks or plain looks, amazing personality: Probably plain personality because that's something that can be changed with time but as always, perhaps, I'd go with something in the middle of the two. That's just...I dunno, off the top of my head.

Things that make me feel warm and fuzzy. :3 ummmm
Particular types of music (The Garden Orchestral Version - Joe Hisashi) , "nice" parts in an otherwise intense movie/episode, old couples, sibling play fights,

Picture of my handwriting? I'll post it later and reference it back to this post.

Not anymore. I used to wish that I'd end up with some girl or that things would get better. Now I don't even stay up that late but when I do, I just reflect back on some things that I could've fixed up, things I should have relied on myself to do rather than depending on a wish to do something. Despite it all, I still believe in wishes.

Picture of yourse-- nope

Anything I want to post about. Which leads me to the post.

Seeing as QYO auditions are coming up in October, I've had to start up on cello lessons. Though I've had an excessively long break from lessons, I'm actually in pretty good shape.

A la Prochaine~