*IMPORTANT* SOPA article (just forget about the first bit)

on Thursday, January 19, 2012
Been a while no?
So much shit has been going on lately: fucking racism; that ship that went down recently:

2012: more like the end of the era, not the world.

On a much lighter side: a bunch of us went down to KenTing for the night XD
I pretty much stayed at the pool tables for the whole time. There was a gym right next to it but they said only people 18+ could use weights

so that sucked pretty bad. but other than that, the pool was amaaazing. Since it was 130cm deep, stopping halfway was pretty easy~


Some of you might've heard about some of this SOPA shit.

It's pretty much the US Government vs Anonymous...mainly.  Obviously, there are a SHIT LOAD of other people protesting about it. MegaUpload was recently taken down. This was taken as the first step toward the WWW: World War Web. As a result, Anonymous went over to fbi.gov and "knocked it offline". Shit, now we have to cite everything or else we'll get jailed o.o

Oh and Mark Zuckerberg tweeted for the first time since 2009. For the anti-SOPA kinda thing. The Oatmeal, Cyanide and Happiness, Wikipedia, Reddit, and probably a whole bunch of others blacked out their websites for a protest against SOPA.

Here are some links:
http://www.neowin.net/news/sopa-supporters-list-updated-godaddy-not-included (list)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_Online_Piracy_Act (information)
http://theoatmeal.com/sopa (gif + tips)
http://explosm.net/sopa.html (info + tips)
http://www.themarysue.com/censorship-bills-protect-ip/ (info + video)

So here's a tip:
- Go learn about what the fuck's going on
- Raise awareness everywhere you can (call your friends, contact them over facebook, talk about it in school)


do what The Oatmeal says: Pirate the shit out of the gif.

Simply singing a pop song can get you 5 years in jail: this is a year more than Michael Jackson's Doctor. A video was taken down just for the use of it's music in the background.

Do what you can. Spread the word. Pray to God if you need to. Make a group if you want to. Go tell your local representatives about it. LEARN ABOUT IT. Don't let them take away what they don't even understand.

A la Prochaine.

They are Anonymous. They are Legion. They do not forgive. They do not forget. Expect them.