For those who need it

on Saturday, March 4, 2017
It's nearly been three years since my last post. Hard to imagine that I've come this far and a lot has changed. Or it hasn't. I think that's the strangest thing. Maybe it means that I'm a consistent person although I think I'm just being nice to myself when I say that. Stubborn to change is what it means.

If you've read this far, leave a comment, it means so much to me. This blog was basically my diary for a while but it really is up to you, as readers, to determine whether or not there was any depth or value to it. Elon Musk's ex wife Justine Musk kept a blog which ended up biting him in the ass during the divorce. Is that gonna happen to me? I don't think so. I hope not anyway.

I used to conduct a lot of self-harm. It's been nearly 5 years since my last "incident" (i'm not sure what else to call it). That's not to say that I haven't nearly lapsed since. Looking back, however, they weren't memorable problems to be upset about. What helped. however. was exercise. I ended up working off my feelings and now I'm like super jacked. Spoiler alert: that's totally false, the jacked bit. But exercise sure did help. I directed all my focus and energy on the exercise. Thinking rationally doesn't happen when you're feeling any extreme mood. As a result, thoughts and feelings are wildly flown about like a hose turned all the way up and let loose. Exercising, for me, helped redirect whatever outburst of energy towards the weights, my weight, the bar, whatever it was. It really helped.

Honestly, I feel like writing these posts is like a mini therapy session for me. I let it all out here. Maybe not all of it but enough of it does. What it really does is allow me to be aware of the feelings I'm having. Why am I feeling this way? Did I get enough sleep last night? Did I drink enough water today? These questions help to just take a step back and ask "What's going on?"

Once in a while, do this:


Close your eyes.

Take a deep breath in through your nose. Feel your chest expand and your shoulders rise.

Hold it for 2 or 3 seconds.

Exhale through your mouth and feel your shoulders relax.

One breath. That's it. Just be aware of that one breath throughout the day and be mindful of it. Credit goes to Chade-Meng Tan of Google. They call him the Happiness Engineer I think.

That was it for today. I really hope it helped someone. I don't know what to write about anymore but the fact that I wrote something makes me feel like I accomplished something today. Even if it was nothing to you, it was something to me.

Hey let's leave a quote here:

"It is a luxury to put our interests first. It is an honor to put the interests of others before ourselves" - Simon Sinek.

Guys and gals, I've read a bunch of self help things over the last three years. They've helped me a fair bit. If you're reading this and you're looking for something similar, leave a comment and I'll do my best to point you in the right direction.