The Hobbit

on Thursday, January 17, 2013
The Hobbit is just. asdfjkl;asdjfkl;asdf ja;fdslhajl;hajklj.

OK so I see all these things shipping Bilbo and Thorin on tumblr and they're pretty much right about that. So yeah, the cinematography is amazing.Generally, everything about the movie is awesome. If you haven't watched it, go watch it. I haven't read the books yet (which I'm sure are amazing) and I loved the movie. If you have watched it then well, I dunno, go watch it again? I'll come with.

I saw this joke on reddit and it's pretty sexist but still, it made me chuckle.
What's the difference between Iron Man and Iron Woman?

One's a superhero, the other is a command.

Made me chuckle.

So in the last post, I asked some of you to pick a number between 1 and 50 and it had to be 2 digits and whatnot. It was pretty much a bit of experimenting with an activity I read in "Sleights of Mind" by Stephen L Macknick and Susan Martinez-Conde. Basically, it's a journey through magic and its relationship with neuroscience. It talks about aspects such as retention of vision and the myth of multitasking. One of areas is mentalism. That's where the activity comes in but I won't delve too far into it. What I did, well attempted, was something called priming. I tried to "make you" think about a number. Forcing, if you like. From the two responses I got, I was pretty close but I won't say what I was after.

Here's another little "activity". I was shown this one when I was about 7 and I loved it. It was performed by David Copperfield.

What I'm aiming to do is have you send a telepathic message to me regarding which card you picked and we'll see what happens. Sounds like a load of shit, I know. Just try it.

Ok so first up, you're going to pick one card and focus on it. To make sure that you remember it, close your eyes and keep a clear and vivid image of that card in your head. Next, I want you to shout the name of the card but don't make a sound. I hope that makes sense.

Did I get it?

I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out pretty soon. Once you have, come to me and show me~

I kid. But honestly, try it on your friends in packs of three to seven. It's much more fun to do when you find out by yourself. 

Don't forget to comment the results :P

A la Prochaine~