Getting a life and Reddit

on Sunday, January 20, 2013
I think these holidays were the only ones where I actually got a life when I wasn't overseas. Take the last few days as and example.

Friday: I managed to get up at 4:30 in the morning for a run and got back just in time for the sunrise.
Saturday: I went for a 7:30 Tai Chi class at MacGregor primary and bought my textbooks and a few other "important" things
Sunday: Tai Chi, same place, same time only there was a sword class starting at 8:30 which was convenient because that went until 9:30 which gave me some time to have a shower and clean up before church which...I didn't end up attending.

I really like the Saturday class because the class starts at 7:30 and goes until 8:30 (sometimes a little overtime) and Gumdo starts at 9:30. So I can have a class at 7:30 have breakfast between 8:30 and 9:00 and walk over to Gumdo. Convenient.

With Sunday, it's pretty much the same thing but instead of Gumdo I go to church and instead of leaving at 8:30, I leave at 9:30.

I've managed to revise some maths, a fair bit of card magic and Korean.

Not bad.

Reddit. Like tumblr, reddit is one of those websites that sap your life away and you'll just spend hours scrolling and browsing. If you guys are interested, I could refer you to some subreddits. In general, just visit these few links:
 - /r/aww
 - /r/funny
 - /r/pics
or you could just stick to the front page.
They call reddit the "front page of the internet" for a reason. Some pretty amazing people are on reddit. A few days ago, Arnold Schwarzenegger was on IAmA. Obama, PSY did one, Bear Grylls, Louis CK, etc. There were a lot of requests for JK Rowling response. You know she lost her billionaire status because she donated so much of it to charity?

Anyway, in case you're interested, my most oftenly browsed subreddits are:
 - Pretty much anything on the front page or the first 14 or 15 subreddits on the top bar
 - /r/RoomPorn (SFW)
 - /r/WoahDude (hey, I don't actually do drugs or anything)
 - /r/kpics
 - /r/kpop
 - /r/SNSD
Probably a few more but that's just off the top of my head.
If you're a girl and you're into some Asian guy model/actor/singer/ you could check out /r/asianladyboners
You can thank me later.

That's about it from me.

If you do end up on reddit, have fun and I'm sorry in advance :P

A la Prochaine~