
on Friday, June 22, 2012
Guys. Guys. GUYS. Like guuuiissee. I'm thinking about writing a book review on Reading for Alaska because, well-- for the hell of it (not to mention I've been looking for something productive to do), just so that my blog has some kind of review and that it's not completely about me and all about me and me being awesome. In other words, to be less narcissistic, put it that way.

Since it's holidays, I'm going to 1. Find something productive (like above) and perhaps more, 2. watch a couple of movies, 3. go rock climbing and 4. busk. 'Cause I'm a poor f***er like that. On the subject of busking, does anyone have any ideas for songs that I can play on cello? Something slow and (preferably) calming, since I don't want to end up making customers rush their Sunday Morning Shopping. If you happen to come up with some good ideas, pop them into the cbox on the right and I'll check 'em.

Moving on, I think my blog posts are either too wordy or other blogs have too many pictures on them. I think it's me. So. I'm gonna leave you with a shy cotton ball of "aww"

Oh and The Boat That Rocked is f***ing awesome.

A la Prochaine~