i've been having really weird dreams for the last week now. they've aaaall been about the same general topic. I'm not gonna say what. MAKING ME DEPRESSED ughh
aanyway, I....am bored shitless. I'm thinking about stopping piano...'cause i suck. and starting something else...like cardistry.
hey have you ever sat down and just wrote or typed out exactly what you were thinking for a whole 5 minutes? i did that once. a while ago. it came up with some weird results. but if i did that now...nahhh you'd end up writing a damn textbook.
No gifs today...i can't find them. speaking of the blog. I NEED SOMETHING OTHER THAN BLOGWALKERS ON MY CBOX. *RAGE* I rage quit on my cards last night. Mum was yelling at me when i had them and i screwed something up in the flourish so I just threw my cards at the wall and left them there. Yeah i had to pick them up again this morning...
So for the past week, say, i've had this scary stalkerish anon sending me messages. It started off with him/her disagreeing with one of my posts, calling me gorgeous...At first I was thinking you know, awwwww ain't this nice~~ then i start wondering who it might be. I first guessed someone out of FI class then i thought...nahhh couldn't be. No one out of FI would talk to me like that. So I started wondering who would bother talking to me. I asked if it was Jessalyn. Nope. And then she told me: I sit directly behind you ;D
at this point...i got worried. In my column, there were four people, me, Laura, Josh (sometimes Reearna) and Isabella (or Isabelle...I don't actually know). So I thought...if Laura messaged me, she'd use her tumblr account. Josh and Reearna don't use tumblr which left Isabella...
BUUUUUT yesterday, Laura messaged me and told me she was the one sending the messages~~
A la Prochaine
Izzy doesn't use Tumblr either...
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