One more exam. one. more. bloody. exam. AND THEN I'M FREE. You have no idea how over school I am right now. Especially drama which is tomorrow. We have a 20 minute performance for tomorrow and we started today. Last minute effort at its best. Chances are, we're going to fail. I'm not kidding. It's Greek tragedy about some nut called Xerxes who decided to attack Greece, fucked up the battle and killed pretty much everyone in his team except himself. Comes running home to mama (me, not even kidding) and tells the story. Before this happens, the messenger tells me (Atossa, the mum) how bad it was so I go along and summon my husband, Darius, who died a while back but we need his help so we're gonna wake him up for a bit. He preaches for a bit and goes back to bed and that's where Xerxes comes back and the play ends with him conversing with the chorus.
So that's my version of "The Persians" by Aeschylus. You can google it and find a much better summary than the one I've written but that's just about it. The real trouble with this is that we have to choreograph a movement for pretty much every single line. Considering the fact that we only started today...we're fucked.
Despite this, I'll do my best despite the fact that it's among my last subject despite the fact that it's my last exam despite the fact that I've nearly given up on drama. I actually kinda like it sometimes. I like certain aspects of it. I think if we get to do Naturalistic theatre for next term's work or Brechtian theatre then we'll do fine.
I've been a bit wordy lately, mainly because I haven't got access to my computer which has all the gifs etc. so I'm sorry about that.
I should probably get going with preparing my performance.
A la prochaine
I don't think I've ever been this excited for a two day break from school. It's just school in general that I enjoy being away from sometimes but if you were to go specific, it'd be something like walking the same route over and over to the point where I can close my eyes and walk my way to each of my classrooms. Two years man, not much has changed in terms of subjects. So yeah, I'm really pumped for this break so that I can, y'know, "spend some quality time at home preparing for upcoming assessment and catch up on any school work if need be". ahahahahahhahahahahahaano
Thank fuck, my french, english and math exams are over. OVER. This is the first time that it's ever just sunk in this quick that most of my exams are over. Same goes for QCS. Now all I have left is an IT exam (which isn't really IT anymore, it's just Film and TV), a concert on Saturday night, and a drama performance on Monday. Easy done. Since I'm putting pretty much my whole schedule for the next two weeks on, I might as well add that I have a rehearsal on Thursday night at the OMB and the concert for that is on that Saturday following at QPAC. So if there are any hit men out there, that's my schedule. Pleasure meeting you in advance.
I've never enjoyed a day like today (or yesterday for that matter). It was just so laid back. I don't wanna jinx it now so I'm lucky that there's a wooden table next to me as I'm typing this. It was just me n Eric at home. I spent the first few hours of the morning just checking out clothes on ASOS and American Apparel. Okay maybe not hours but hour, and I spent until Eric got up reading American Psycho. TB Rays vs Boston Red Sox was on so we watched that for a while. Then, since the weather was so fucking amazing today, we went outside and threw around Eric's new NFL ball. On the road. With no shoes on. At midday. I'll admit it wasn't the best decision but it was fun as hell. So there were a few times when we bumped the cars a little but hey, at least none of them went off.
The only downside to today was my attempt at creating something. I got a small spoonful of both Nutella and Peanut Butter, mixed em up a little and threw it in the microwave...for a whole minute. Another bad decision. I did my microwave dance and opened the thing up to find that it was BURNED. IT BURNED THE MIX LIKE IT BURNED MY HEART INTO ASHES OF REGRET. tears ensue.
Don't worry, I made another batch which tasted pretty good. Thing is, the failed batch literally looked like a pile of CRAP. I mean literally. I'm not exaggerating. Looked worse when I was tipping it out of its bowl. The second batch, I only put in for a total of 40 seconds: 20 seconds, took it out and mixed it, 20 seconds again. Threw it in the fridge and bam, PB and Nutella mix.
Wow ok, this post turned out to be pretty lengthy seeing as I kinda typed it up over the course of today. So yeah. I need a new theme for this blog I s2g. I got a new one for my tumblr but that was about it.
W/e i'm out of here.
You will always this read wrong.
The first time through anyway.
A la Prochaine
Thank fuck, my french, english and math exams are over. OVER. This is the first time that it's ever just sunk in this quick that most of my exams are over. Same goes for QCS. Now all I have left is an IT exam (which isn't really IT anymore, it's just Film and TV), a concert on Saturday night, and a drama performance on Monday. Easy done. Since I'm putting pretty much my whole schedule for the next two weeks on, I might as well add that I have a rehearsal on Thursday night at the OMB and the concert for that is on that Saturday following at QPAC. So if there are any hit men out there, that's my schedule. Pleasure meeting you in advance.
I've never enjoyed a day like today (or yesterday for that matter). It was just so laid back. I don't wanna jinx it now so I'm lucky that there's a wooden table next to me as I'm typing this. It was just me n Eric at home. I spent the first few hours of the morning just checking out clothes on ASOS and American Apparel. Okay maybe not hours but hour, and I spent until Eric got up reading American Psycho. TB Rays vs Boston Red Sox was on so we watched that for a while. Then, since the weather was so fucking amazing today, we went outside and threw around Eric's new NFL ball. On the road. With no shoes on. At midday. I'll admit it wasn't the best decision but it was fun as hell. So there were a few times when we bumped the cars a little but hey, at least none of them went off.
The only downside to today was my attempt at creating something. I got a small spoonful of both Nutella and Peanut Butter, mixed em up a little and threw it in the microwave...for a whole minute. Another bad decision. I did my microwave dance and opened the thing up to find that it was BURNED. IT BURNED THE MIX LIKE IT BURNED MY HEART INTO ASHES OF REGRET. tears ensue.
Don't worry, I made another batch which tasted pretty good. Thing is, the failed batch literally looked like a pile of CRAP. I mean literally. I'm not exaggerating. Looked worse when I was tipping it out of its bowl. The second batch, I only put in for a total of 40 seconds: 20 seconds, took it out and mixed it, 20 seconds again. Threw it in the fridge and bam, PB and Nutella mix.
Wow ok, this post turned out to be pretty lengthy seeing as I kinda typed it up over the course of today. So yeah. I need a new theme for this blog I s2g. I got a new one for my tumblr but that was about it.
W/e i'm out of here.
You will always this read wrong.
The first time through anyway.
A la Prochaine
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